
Aie Caramba !

Good day to all !

Yep, it has been a while since I wrote a few lines in here. They last days were all about getting ready to start school, for my last year this time. After that, I am done ! Youhou ! I love learning, but I am tired of going to school, as I have done cegep and university at the same time for the last two years. I think I really need a break.

Ouf, I restarted yesterday and I am already having huge projects to work on. I guess that`s what happens when you`re in your final year ! O_o The projects are really cool, but outch ! So demanding ! X_x

But, but, in the zillion things I had to finish before to start school, the promised Revised Columbine original Watercolor just needs a few touch ups and it`s done ! I am so happy, the result is really nice ! :D

I just can`t wait to list it !

For now, I have 59 items in shop, and I can`t wait to hit the 70, but I need to desperately wait for my beads to come home, as the orders take always so much time to get here... T_T

Oh well, I told you I wanted to hit 80 items by September, I beleive it`s going to be more like 80 in December, because of all the work I am asked to do in school, plus my driving lessons and my part-time job. ( Hum, where do I sleep in all that ? lol ). But, but, I have posted on the 24th 3 new items with one ring that can be only made once ! :D

The sweet Chocolate Azzuro Stardust ring

Oh, I wanted to mention why I always put such huge watermarks on my artworks. Well, as you all know, unfortunately a lot of people have the bad habit of stealing artwork and claiming that it is theirs, even if it`s not, and even if there is a watermark on it. I want to share my work with you, but I want to play safe as much as possible.
I wish I could just put plain pictures on Etsy so we could all be happy, but please bear in mind that I have work quite a bit on those pieces and it would really sadden me to see it snatched by somebody else. All those artwork are originals, except when I mention that there`s a print, obvisouly, and comes with an authentification certificate. Of course there won`t be any watermark when you will recieve the original artwork.

I am very honored to see that you want to see more artwork, and I will do my best to put more up !

As for what goodies I will have for you in the next few days, there will be a giveaway ! :D Yay ! It will be hosted on another faboulous blog, and I will give you all the exclusive details ! Krista and I are just polishing up the last details so we can give you something really awesome ! :D

Also, I have a very good friend of mine that had the marvelous idea of creating a shop with handmade Hijab pins. They are so cool ! So stay posted for Marie`s interview ! Meanwhile, you can take a peek at her shop ! :D

On this everyone, I have to rush to go to school !

See ya all later !

* M *


  1. thanks so much for the mention of my shop! :)

    I love that chocolate ring, hihi.

    And can't wait to see that watercolor! I didn't have time to do any artwork this summer, so i have to make all the projects at school really good!!!

  2. Don`t worry Marie ! :D

    You`ll be doing great as usual ! ;)

    I can`t wait to have you featured .... ! :D
